I thought this about God... I was wrong.

Hey Reader, can I tell you something? For years I thought God would like me better... if I could figure out how to approach Him more like someone else.

God doesn’t wish you had a different personality.

For years I thought would like me better if I could figure out how to approach Him more like someone else.

More like the trained scholar.
More like the charismatic worshipper.
More like the sold-out selfless servant.

I saw my personality, my natural inclination and skills, as additional obstacles to somehow improve and overcome.

I was wrong.

God didn’t create all of us for relationship but only make some of us capable of it.

He didn’t give some people vibes He’d enjoy, and others of us personalities He’d rather not bother with.

It may feel odd to read, but from what I’ve experienced, most of us have underestimated our potential this way.

It’s a lie.

I’ve even downplayed it when it comes to ministry.
If only God made me more energetic and emotive.
Less intellectual and more heartfelt.
But God knew what He was doing when He made me.

God knew what He was doing when He made you.

Even last week I struggled with this. Wishing I could be someone better aka different for Him. But God softly reminded me that He welcomes me—not some pretend version of me—to draw near to Him. He offers the same for you, and that’s what our current podcast series is all about.

I’ve even created a fun short quiz, to help you identify how you connect with God best. Because all personalities are welcomed in His presence.

Take the Quiz: How do you connect with God best?

Click here to take the quiz and get the customized bonus resources based on your personality type!

Encouraging your life with God,


How were you uniquely created to connect with God?


You are designed and crafted by your Creator for life with Him. That includes how He uniquely designed your personality.


It's possible to love your God with your mind. Let's explore how, and I'll share how I missed this for far too long!

From the Gram

A vulnerable post from yesterday

Jan 19th 2023 - a flight to say goodbye
Jan 22nd 2024 - a flight to say hello

If, as you read this, you too find yourself in the in-between of opposing seasons, know that God holds you in them too.

P.S. I'm breaking the news here first...

My latest Bible plan on YouVersion released TODAY: Learn Rest from the Psalms: Rest Well Resolution

If your New Year’s resolve has fizzled, or you could simply use a bit more rest in your daily rhythms, this 4-day devotional is created for YOU! Click here to start the plan.

PO Box 631952, Irving, TX 75063

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Author of the NEW Book "A Beckoning to Wonder"

Join 7k+ Christ-followers as you engage in life WITH God. Build your habit of having uncommon conversations with Him in everyday moments. Christian Author, Speaker, Poet, Podcast Host who LOVES to give away empowering resources for FREE.

Read more from Author of the NEW Book "A Beckoning to Wonder"

Reader, have you ever been nervous to know what God thinks about you? I have. I worried that God didn't care for me the way I hoped He did. That He was disappointed with me, or discouraged by my blunderings. Or worse, I worried He only tolerated me because He wanted to use me to reach those He truly cared about—the "more beloved" like you. it wasn't true. But still, it was a story that persisted in various ways over decades until... Until I started to experience God's character for myself....

Reader, I felt the heaviness of that silent question long before I risked asking it out loud. God talks with you? He didn't talk with me. Or at least that's what I thought...before I learned how to hear Him. I'd already been a Christian for years when I found out that God still speaks with His people. Even though I worked hard for Him, trying to do what I thought He wanted, I didn't hear Him yet. I faithfully read the Bible without getting a ton out of it. I prayed but often felt like I was...