Wait...God talks with you?

Reader, I felt the heaviness of that silent question long before I risked asking it out loud.

God talks with you?

He didn't talk with me.

Or at least that's what I thought...before I learned how to hear Him.

I'd already been a Christian for years when I found out that God still speaks with His people.

Even though I worked hard for Him, trying to do what I thought He wanted, I didn't hear Him yet.

I faithfully read the Bible without getting a ton out of it.

I prayed but often felt like I was talking to the ceiling, hoping my prayers somehow reached God still.

I went to church, and honestly, was grateful that I could learn from others who seemed to have a direct connection to God, because He felt far away from me.

I'll tell you two secrets:

1. I took that tiredness, frustration, and heaviness, and upgraded to a life with God that's better than I thought was possible.

When I learned God spoke with other people, it made me mad.

Why was I working so hard for God if He talked with other people, but not with me?

But then I figured, if I was already putting in all this work, I might as well apply that same effort to learn how to hear God speak.

And I found out that talking with God is much simpler than I thought. But I needed someone (or a few someones) to help me learn.

2. Hearing God speak and talking with Him can be YOUR regular experience.

I've now been talking with God for over 20 years and have helped countless others hear and experience Him in their daily lives. I want to help you do the same.

Not just in mountain top experiences.
Not just in crisis valleys or making important decisions.

Hear God simply. Recognize when it's Him and when it's not. Experience God as present and active in your life. And I'll help you practice right there during the workshop next Saturday.

If you're ready for God to speak with you, come join us.
He's already talking, I'll help you learn how to listen.


Listening to God LIVE

Join our LIVE Workshop
Saturday, May 4th 10-11 AM CDT​
This is a Live Training via Zoom.... Read more

I tried sharing a video in the last email—talking about the impact of this workshop—but the clip didn't come through. Here's the direct link to the 90 sec video on Instagram.

Empowering your walk,

P.S. Want to opt out of future emails about this workshop? No problem. Click here to let me know.

PO Box 631952, Irving, TX 75063

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Author of the NEW Book "A Beckoning to Wonder"

Join 7k+ Christ-followers as you engage in life WITH God. Build your habit of having uncommon conversations with Him in everyday moments. Christian Author, Speaker, Poet, Podcast Host who LOVES to give away empowering resources for FREE.

Read more from Author of the NEW Book "A Beckoning to Wonder"

Reader, have you ever been nervous to know what God thinks about you? I have. I worried that God didn't care for me the way I hoped He did. That He was disappointed with me, or discouraged by my blunderings. Or worse, I worried He only tolerated me because He wanted to use me to reach those He truly cared about—the "more beloved" like you. it wasn't true. But still, it was a story that persisted in various ways over decades until... Until I started to experience God's character for myself....

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